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What are you afraid of? Fear is so powerful and has held me back from so much. I have never shared any of my personal struggles on my blogs because I was scared. Scared of being judged. Scared of my shame. Scared of it’s not what others “want to hear”. Scared no one will support me. I used to think that sharing the things we struggle with is like standing on a stage alone with everything exposed. But screw that…here I am now choosing to stand on my stage with pride and rejoice with my father. So here going nothing…

Something I have struggled with for my entire life is figuring out who I am.
cheer • Growing up I found all my affirmation when I was cheerleading. When my first real coach saw something in me, that was the start of it. Since then I always had to jump the highest, be the strongest, win the most awards, and be the very best. In high school, people can be mean so with the combination of the hurtful things people would say about me and an injury I quick stopped receiving affirmation from cheer and found it somewhere else.
boys • I fell for anyone who could tell me who I was. Who could build me up. Who could I could “trust”. And out of all who could make me feel loved. Eventually, I let my heart fall into the wrong hands and started to believe lies. “I deserve to be hurt”. “I will never be enough”. “I will never be loved”. “My voice will never be big enough to be heard”. So broken and still believing I was someone I was not I turned to something else.
friends • I relied on them to tell me I can still be loved. To be there for me through everything. To support me even when it’s not easy. And to never give up even though I already had on myself. And the heavy reality of it is no one can carry that burden. So once again I was left wondering why I was “made” to hurt people.                                being a missionary • when I first started telling people I was going on the world race I received so much love. Even with all positivity, there was still stuff I couldn’t shake. “You will never raise that much money”. “It’s not very smart to travel instead of going to school”. This left me at my lowest and still wondering who I was

About two weeks ago we had a women’s retreat. At this retreat, I was so bitter. I did not want to sit around with a bunch of girls and share how I struggle, or who I need to forgive, but most of all who the Lord says I am. So after a good talk with one of my amazing leaders, I realized I am able to be set free from the things that have hurt me. That I don’t have to carry that burden because I have an amazing God that has redeemed me. And that my struggles deserve to be heard.

I am Hannah Acevedo.
I am chosen
I am a precious daughter to a king
I am radiating with joy
I am powerful
I am a fighter
I am beautifully made
I am loved
I am strong
I am heroic
I am a overcomes
I am that Proverbs 31 woman
I am made to spread light

So I challenge you to face that things that scare you. I challenge you to stand on your stage with pride. I challenge you to find who you are in his eyes.
With much love… -Hannah

10 responses to “Who I Am”

  1. This is beautiful. I love you so much and I am so proud of you for sharing this. You are amazing!

  2. Yes Hannah!! I am so proud of you. Stand on those promises and declarations that the Father has always spoken over you! You are a warrior, my friend. love ya!

  3. Hannah, I’m happy that you are learning who you are in Christ. The world will always try to tell you who you are or what you should do. Don’t listen. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Run the race set before you to completion obtaining the prize of salvation at the end. I read something recently that is so good: I can choose to let it define me, confine me, refine me, outshine me, or I can choose to move on and leave it behind me.
    Love you!
    Tia Maria

  4. Hannah I am absolutely proud of you with everything you’ve accomplished. I envy you! Never forget all those positive things about yourself. I miss you so much, LOVE YOU

  5. Hannah,

    This brought tears to my eyes, thank you for such an amazing message. You’re such a light and blessing to all those around you & I’m so proud of you for facing your fears, while holding God’s hand through it all. Stay beautiful friend.

  6. Hannah I am so proud of your for being bold and pouring out your heart. You are so loved, and it has nothing to do with anything you have or will do. It’s just who you are. I love you lots Han. So thankful for your sweet heart

  7. Whenever you need to throw a piece of paper off of a roof or chat, or cry or scream or celebrate… You know where to find me. Grateful for you, for the fight in you and to see the testimony of his goodness through you.

  8. Great awareness and honesty— tough to do. Makes me sad that people said such things. Sometimes they mean well and sometimes not, but either way the pain is there. Many countries do gap year programs and experience brings growth that makes education more valuable and to relate to it. Mormons do a missions trip too. I think it’s awesome as it grounds you before some of the college professors try their attacks on your values. You know this… just saying lol. I’m proud of you and you are enough— in Christ you will be what God desires and he won’t waste any of your talents. Many people are ignorant. Keep growing and trusting. Praying your support is growing too.